Open Days
2025 Open Days
Open Days are single-day events for women, primarily available to members of WGANC Legacy Clubs. Occasionally, Open Day events are made available to all female NCGA members, these events will be indicated by an * (asterisk) on the 2025 schedule. You will hear about these in the Monthly Tournament and Events Bulletin which comes out the first week of each month. Host courses charge for food and carts - no green fees!
Open Days are flighted by Handicap Index (players may choose their cart partners, but not their pairing group) and the competition is based on individual Stableford points. Handicap index is 54.0 or less.
Play in one event or play in several and compete for the season-long Open Day Year End Awards!
2025 Registration Windows
Registration for events held February - May opens January 13.
Registration for events held June - August opens April 14.
Registration for events held September - December opens July 14.
How it Works
When a player participates in an Open Day, they will receive points. At the end of the year, the points leaders will be recognized and awarded.
Each player at an event is awarded 5 points
In addition, players will be awarded the following:
10 points – 1st Place + ties
5 points – 2nd place + ties
3 points – 3rd place + ties